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Master of Political Science Program in Political Sciences

Master of Political Science Program in Political Sciences                       

          ภาษาไทย            :         หลักสูตรรัฐศาสตรมหาบัณฑิต สาขาวิชารัฐศาสตร์

          ภาษาอังกฤษ     :         Master of Political Science Program in Political Sciences

2.  ชื่อปริญญาและสาขาวิชา

          ชื่อเต็ม (ภาษาไทย)        :       รัฐศาสตรมหาบัณฑิต (รัฐศาสตร์)           

          ชื่อย่อ (ภาษาไทย)         :      ร.ม. (รัฐศาสตร์)                                       

          ชื่อเต็ม (ภาษาอังกฤษ)    :     Master of Political Science (Political Sciences)

          ชื่อย่อ (ภาษาอังกฤษ)     :      M.Pol.Sc. (Political Sciences)


2588101           Concepts, Theories and Methodology in Political Science                                                                          3(3-0-6)

                       Concepts, theories and methodology in political science through politics and government, local organization and local level including the use of related sciences for analyzing, synthesizing, criticizing social issues of interest, challenging contemporary arguments and important trends with lectures, explanations, predictions in the study of political science in the digital society age

2588102           Research Methodology and Research Innovations  in Political Science                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        3(2-2-5)

                             Concepts, principles, theories and methodology of research studies in social science, use of statistics for data analysis and interpretation of data analysis results, research practice, application in leadership development, working for organizations and society at local and national levels for the development of political science innovations in the civic sector morally including writing, presenting and disseminating research results.

2588103        Public and Private Executive Development in the Digital Age                                                                     3(3-0-6)

                   Public and private executive development in the digital age by studying and analyzing the external and internal environments affected economic, social, cultural and technological changes, quality management tools, preparation of project plans, activities, monitoring and evaluation for the development of innovation in government and private organization management, development of potential and ethical leadership identity with good governance and lifelong learning and applying the royal policy for sustainable development

2588104        Political Science of Citizen in Digital Age                                                                                                                 3(3-0-6)

                   Concepts, principles and theories in citizenship development, methods for developing citizenship according to the concepts of various institutes, basic principles of politics and government in a democracy, quality citizens in the digital age, local citizens, Thai citizen, ASEAN citizens and global citizens in a dynamic society, roles and responsibilities of citizenship development of politicians and rulers, human rights, protecting the Public Interest and fighting corruption, development of consciousness and social responsibility to develop politics and governance in a democratic system including field practice

2588105        Seminar on Contemporary Issues in Political Science                                                                                   3(2-2-5)

                    Social, political and economic issues affected and interested to the community or new social, political and economic issues, problem presentation, analysis and synthesis by deeply relevant theories all around, suggestions for handling problems, presentation of findings to seminar activities for application in sustainable local development     

2) กลุ่มวิชาเลือก เลือกไม่น้อยกว่า                                                                                                                                                             12 หน่วยกิต

2588106       Contemporary Local Government                                                                                                                                  3(3-0-6)

                   Concepts, theories and methodology for studying urban and administrative structures at the local level, relationship between federal, regional and local governments, comparison of local governments in different countries, a contemporary comparative case study in the state dimension, comparative analysis of local government patterns, direction and trend of local administration compared in the future

2588107        Law and Political Justice Process                                                                                                                                3(3-0-6)

                   Concepts of legal system, classification of laws and the source of the lawincluding various laws, constitution and political institutions, analyzing the relationship between political institutions and the constitution, peaceful means, reconciliation and the justice process, community justice, forms and guidelines for conflict resolution according to the judicial process, factors related to the success and failure of the judicial process,community justice process with peaceful means and reconciliation and a case study

2588108       Processes and Strategies of Being a Politician and Governor                                                                           3(3-0-6)

                  Concepts, theories, study methods, processes and strategies for political and administrative institutions, political party, interest groups, election, election campaign, administration of political parties and interest groups, dominion and existence, criticism of the rationale for existence and the need for political institutions, advantages and disadvantages of different alternatives to design suitable for local and national contexts

2588109        Political Scientist Leadership Development                                                                                                              3(3-0-6)

                   Concepts, principles, theories about leadership and followers, characteristics of leaders in political science, good governance, leadership development, factors determined a leader, management, transformational leadership, decision making and problem solving, leaders with communication and a case study

2588110         Political Communication in the Digital Age                                                                                                               3(3-0-6)

                    Concepts, principles, theories, roles in communications for public, private and political organizations at both local and national levels, political communication, the creation of political strategies, techniques for using communication technology, the influence of the media on the formulation of political and administrative messages, persuasive political communication campaign, propaganda, election campaign, image making, ethics and communication psychology, political marketing communication literacy in the digital age

2588111         Public and Private Management Innovation                                                                                                             3(3-0-6)

                     Public and private administration, principles of public administration, organizational structure of public and private sectors, management of public and private organizations, corporate culture, public and private management innovation, reform of the Thai bureaucracy and a new way of government administration in accordance with the principles of good governance

2588112          Political Science Innovation for Local Development                                                                                             3(3-0-6)

                      Political Science Innovation for Local Development

                             Innovation concepts and theories, local development, national strategy, development and capacity building of the civil society community; assessment of social, economic and political potential, analyzing the environment for local development, strategic planning, preparation of a stable community plan, resource and environmental management, evaluation, problems and guidelines for strategic and security development, political science innovation development for local development

2588213           Thesis 1                                                                                                                                                                            6  หน่วยกิต

                Studying thesis components, studying and analyzing problems, determining research questions and thesis topics, developing a conceptual document about the thesis, synthesizing relevant documents and research to prepare a thesis proposal, developing research tools and methods, developing a thesis proposal for presentation to the thesis control committee

2588214          Thesis 2                                                                                                                                                                             6  หน่วยกิต

                Data collection, data analysis, preparation of a progress report to be presented to the thesis advisor, preparation of a full-text thesis and research article for publication according to graduation criteria

2588215        Independent Study 1                                                          3 หน่วยกิต

                   Studying component of independent research, studying and analyze problems, determining research issues and topics of independent research, developing a conceptual paper about independent research, synthesizing relevant documents and research to prepare an independent research outline and presented an independent research outline

2588216        Independent Study 2                                                           3 หน่วยกิต

                 Collect data, analyze data, prepare progress report in order to present it to the Independent Study advisor, and prepare a full-text Independent Study and a research article in order to get published according to the graduation criteria

1551001        English for Graduate Studies                                       3(2-2-5)

                   Practice academic English skills: listening, speaking; reading, writing and retrieving with electronic publication; aural academic presentation; academic article and research reading; practice skills in making summary and interpretation; summary and abstract writing, English practice for graduate study

1551002        Computer for Graduate Student Study                         3(2-2-5)

                   Fundamental computer knowledge, computer related laws and copyrights, the use of computers focusing information technology skills, the use of communication and searching for information, application of software packages for writing reports and references